
Topics in Passive Radar

APRiL - Advanced Passive Radar Library

pyAPRiL is a python based DSP library which implements passive radar algorithms. The ultimate goal of the library is to make available the so far ellaborated passive radar algorithms to everyone including sceintific researchers, radar system designers and amateurs. All the implemented methods are tested and verified through real-life systems, field measurements and simulations.

Project guidelines:


Contributions are welcome from anyone who shares the passion of passive radars and wants to help make opensource passive radar community even better. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, there are plenty of ways to get involved and contribute to pyAPRiL. By contributing to the project, you'll be helping to make a positive impact on passive radar developers around the globe and advancing the deeper sceintific understanding of this novel technology. Whether you can contribute code, documentation, or simply provide feedback, every contribution helps us move closer to our shared goal.


This projects strictly focuses on the support of scientific researches. The source code of the library is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3), which is a copyleft license. This means that anyone who uses, modifies, or distributes the project must also license their work under the same terms and conditions. Commercial use of this software is permitted, provided that any results obtained from such use are made available to the public under the same license. By adhering to these restrictions, this project gains comliance with the REGULATION (EU) 2021/821 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL for european contributors.


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Implements cross-correlation detectors

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Reference signal reconstruction

Apply preprocessing on the reference channel to purify from signal corruptions

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Clutter filtering

Apply various clutter filtering techniques to mittigate the masking effect of the direct path interference and other high power clutter components

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Beam-space processing

Synthesize and apply beampatterns for reference and surveillance channels to implement spatial filtering and imporve the detection capabilities

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Target recognition

Automatic target recognition is used to identify potential targets on the range-Doppler matrices with the application of adaptive algorithms, such as the CFAR.

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Hit processor

Filter and clusterize hits to extract target plots from hit matrices or hit list

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Target parameter estimation

Extract and estimate accurate target range, Doppler and DoA information

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Fit target kinematic modells to plots information to filter false positives and to estimate target states

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Display intermediate and final radar processing results.

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Analyse the performance of the used algoirthms and tune them to obtain optimal operation

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Generate synthetic data to test the operaiton of the experimental processing techniques

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Target Localization

Calculate the location of the target using bi or multistatic mesurement

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Installation and Sources

The pyAPRiL library can be installed directly from the Python Package Index:
pip install pyapril

Source code is maintained on Github.