Target Localization Module
Algoritm implementations in this module solves the multistatic localization problem according to the description in [1].
In order to calculate the descartes coordinates of a target we need the descartes coordinates of the radar, the used illuminators and the measured bistatic ranges as apriori knowledge. In [1] two different algorithms are described to solve the problem. The Spherical Interpolation (SI) and the Spherical Intersection (SX) methods. Currently pyAPRiL only implements the later in the target localization module.
rd_matrix = localize_target_ms_sx(ioo_coords, rb_vec)
This function solves the multistatic localization problem using the Spherical intersection approcch described in [1]
number of illuminators </span>
x,y,z descartes coordinates of the used illuminators [m]
number of illuminatorss </span>
measured bistatic ranges [m]
2 Solutions of the calculated x,y,z descartes coordinates of the target.
The following code section shows the utilization of the function.
import numpy as np
from pyapril.targetLocalization import localize_target_ms_sx
def calculate_bistatic_range(ioo_coords, radar_coords, target_coords):
# Baseline distance
L = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(radar_coords-ioo_coords)**2))
# Target to IoO distance
Rt = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(target_coords-ioo_coords)**2))
# Target to radar distance
Rr = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(target_coords-radar_coords)**2))
# Bistatic distance
Rb = Rt+Rr-L
return Rb
ioo_coords = np.array([[0.0, -100.0, -500.0],
[500.0, 500.0, 2000.0],
[-2000.0, 2000.0, 0.0]])
target_coords = np.array([0.0, 1000.0, 0.0])
rb_vec = np.array([calculate_bistatic_range(ioo_coords[i,:], np.array([0,0,0]), target_coords) for i in range(ioo_coords.shape[0])])
x1,x2 = localize_target_ms_sx(ioo_coords, rb_vec)
print("Target coordinate, solution #1", x1)
print("Target coordinate, solution #2", x2)
# Calculate errors
err = np.max(abs(np.array([x1,x2]) -target_coords), axis=1)
print("Maximum coordinate error:",err)
Target coordinate, solution #1 [-5.34896571e-11 1.00000000e+03 -1.30739863e-12] Target coordinate, solution #2 [-872.82156541 55.32462363 385.06828654] Maximum coordinate error: [5.34896571e-11 9.44675376e+02]
The following points give some guidance on the real world application of the algorithm.
[1] Mateusz Malanowski: Signal Processing for Passive Bistatic Radar, 2019 ARTECH HOUSE 685 Canton Street Norwood, MA 02062, Section 8.2.1
Multistatic localization
dr. Tamas Peto, PhD
Initial version: 2023 10 01